Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Roll On!

So like I said my weight has been fluctuating up and down. Last time I weighed myself at work (Sunday I guess...2 days ago) I was 113.4kgs. Now if you feel like doing the math I guess I can't stop you; I'd rather no one knew the poundage, but I guess the only one who reads this is me anyway:). So ya, when I said I weighed more than I told myself I would ever weigh? Well I don't anymore, by .1 pounds haha. I am happy my life is getting a little more control; I am happy that I am becoming more self-controlled I guess is what I mean. Someone borrowed me a really great book that speaks to just where I'm at right now...in regards to relationships (relationships in general and, more distincly, love relationships). I feel understood, validated, and not so alone. Which is what everyone wants to feel I suppose.
On another note I was reading over my old blogs (oh yeah, I only write once a month!) and I sound very much like Eeyore, hey? I do it because its funny, for the jokes, but maybe part of its real and part of it I'm just kidding. I'm very good at hiding a little truth in every false thing I say;)...

Thursday, October 26, 2006

kicking it up a notch

So I joined a gym, though I don't see myself as a gym person. I always enjoyed the FREEdom of excercising outdoors (emphasis on "free"). I guess I joined because I want to get healthier and in shape and ultimately, lose weight. 100 lbs actually. Can I? I can certainly afford to (weight-wise, not financially). Though I guess we will see what happens. I want to be an at least size 12. Why a gym? Well, because I know winter is coming and I will never motivate myself to run when it's -25'C; I have difficulties when it's +25'C! Also, I checked out the web page and they (Shapes) have some really cool group workout classes. Like group kick and groove. And they ARE fun! I really enjoy the classes and they challenge me to push myself farther. My weight fluctuates, I could have lost 3 lbs but can't be sure. Alls I know is that I am having a good time, I feel better about myself, and my muscles are working so some good's gotta come out of it. Also I am trying to eat healthier, but all of us reading this knows what that means. Not much.
On my way...